Warts: Diagnosis, treatment

Not only do we treat skin cancers but, we also treat various non cancer lumps and bumps such as warts for over 20 years. We provide the most simple and cost effective wart treatment in sydney, parramatta and wollongong.
How we diagnose warts?
We can tell whether you have a wart by looking at it. In some cases a skin biopsy needs to be done to be certain.
Focal callosity (corn) is most often misdiagnosed for viral wart.
How do we treat warts?
Warts often go away without treatment. This is usually occur in children . In adults, warts may more resistant.
Wart removal treatment may include:
Wart removal by chemical peel. We will apply the medication onto your wart to cause them to blister or you can apply the medicine your self using weaker strength compound.
Wart removal by Cryotherapy . We will freeze your wart/s. Your warts will blister and peel off. Repeat treatment is needed till non are visible.
Wart removal using Electrosurgery and curettage: Electrosurgery (burning) is a good treatment for common warts, filiform warts, and foot warts. We may do this at times,
Wart removal by excision: We may currete out your wart but not cut and stitch them .
Laser treatment: We don’t use laser. The plume of smoke generated ,if inhaled, can cause warts to grow in our and your vocal chords ,
Wart removal using Immunotherapy: We will prescribe you a medication to induce a rash to the wart and kill it off.
And remember: There is no cure for the wart virus. This means that warts can return at the same site or appear in a new spot. Treat new warts as soon as they appear to stop them growing in a recalcitrant disfiguring and contagious mass on your skin.