Removal of Skin Tags

Skin tag removal is a straight forward, quick and simple .
Who is this treatment suitable for? Anyone with skin tags they would like removed. Removal of skin tags or dangly moles is recommended if they are prone to twisting, or trauma due their location on the body
How to remove skin tag ? There are hundreds of ways to remove skin tags, some are just plain silly or over hyped and some are dangerous. They can be pinched, twisted, tied, snipped, cauterised, frozen, or removed by laser or radio frequency cutter. Using laser to removed skin tags is like using use a hammer to crack a nut.
We will recommend the best method to suit your skin type and personality.
After your skin tags have been removed, simply apply Vaseline ointment and a week later you will be smooth again with no scar or barely visible scarring.
How many treatments will I need? Treatment is very simple so one session will be enough for the majority of patients.
How much does it cost? Most of the time – the only cost is the consultation fee. If you have lots of lesions we may charge you a little extra to cover the material cost. We will not charge you for each individual skin tag removed.
All of these basic procedures that we do are just to help our patient feel better.
Skin tags may be caused by: genetic endowment ,obesity , diabettes , anabolic steroid use and metabolic disorders e.g acromegally. We suggest you have a blood test for Diabetes if you have hundreds of skin tags.